Strategic Ambiguity
New successive approximation method of general non-local boundary value problems
A new successive approximation method of general non-local boundary value problems
We propose a new successive approximation technique for the solvability analysis and approximate solution of general non-local boundary value problems for non-linear systems of differential equations with locally Lipschitzian non-linearities. It will be studied the non-linear boundary value problem
$\frac{dx(t)}{dt}=f(t,x(t)),\,t\in \left[ a,b\right] , \Phi (x)=d, $
where $\Phi :C(\left[ a,b\right] ,\mathbb{R}^{n})\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}$ is a vector functional (possibly non-linear), $~f:\left[ a,b\right]
\times \mathbb{R}^{n}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}~$is a function satisfying the Caratheodory conditions in a certain bounded set $D$, which will be concretized later, $d$ is a given vector and $f\in Lip(K,D),$ i.e. $f$ locally Lipschitzian
$\left\vert f(t,u)-f(t,v)\right\vert \leq K\left\vert u-v\right\vert ,~\text{for all}\ \left\{ u,v\right\} \subset D~\text{ }a.e.t\in \left[ a,b\right] . $
By a solution of the problem, one means an absolutely continuous function satisfying the differential system almost everywhere on $\left[ a,b\right] .$ The analysis is constructive in the sense that it allows one to both study the solvability of the problem and approximately construct its solutions by operating with objects that are determined explicitly in finitely many steps of computation. The practical application of the technique is explained on a numerical example.
On the extension of isometries
Hiperszférakitöltések a hiperbolikus térben
A discrete variant of Farkas' Lemma, some related results, and homogeneous linear programming
Two Limit Cycles in a Two-Species Reaction
Kinetic differential equations, being nonlinear, are capable of producing many kinds of exotic phenomena. However, the existence of multistationarity, oscillation or chaos is usually proved by numerical methods. Here we investigate a relatively simple reaction among two species consisting of five reaction steps, one of the third order. About this reaction we show the following facts (using symbolic methods): the kinetic differential equation of the reaction has two limit cycles surrounding the stationary point of focus type in the positive quadrant. The outer limit cycle is always stable and the inner one is always unstable. We also performed the search for partial integrals of the system and have found one such integral. Application of the methods needs computer help (Wolfram language and Singular) because the symbolic calculations to carry out are too complicated to do by hand. Even to make characteristic drawings is very far from trivial: the inner limit cycle is very small. Some of the methods we use are relatively new, and all of them have never been used in reaction kinetics, although they can be used to have similar exact results on other models.