
An intrinsically adaptive formulation of multistep methods

2018. 09. 20. 11:15
Carmen Arévalo

Multistep methods are important tools for solving ordinary differential equations with initial conditions. In order for these methods to be efficient they must be adaptive, that is, they must allow the choice of an appropriate step-size for each integration step. We present a comprehensive way of formulating multistep methods that is adaptive by construction and show how this methodology can be applied to particular situations. We also show the application to strong stability preserving methods, used to solve ODEs arising from the semi-discretization of time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs), especially hyperbolic PDEs with shocks. We finally demonstrate how we apply the formulation to differential algebraic equations (DAEs), an ODE system coupled with algebraic constraints.

Adaptive Time-Stepping. Time transformations applied to reversible Hamiltonian dynamics and weakly dissipative systems

2018. 09. 20. 10:15
Gustaf Söderlind

In the second talk on time step adaptivity, we focus on the special needs of conservative dynamical systems. This includes Hamiltonian problems, and weakly dissipative systems. In integrable Hamiltonian problems, the mathematical solution is time reversible, which precludes the use of classical controllers, which adapt the step size to manage the error observed in previous steps. Instead, a time reversible tracking algorithm is developed, which allows full reversibility of the adaptive computational process. This is shown to preserve first integrals over long times, and even improves the accuracy over constant step size symplectic integrators. We demonstrate the procedure in two examples from celestial mechanics, and then proceed to demonstrate how a similar approach can be combined with splitting methods in weakly dissipative systems. The latter approach has been put to effective use in rolling bearing dynamic simulation.

(Professors Gustaf Söderlind and Carmen Arévalo will present three talks during their visit to Budapest. All three talks deal with adaptive methods of ODEs. Professor Söderlind’s first talk will be held at the Seminar on Applied Analysis of the Department of Applied Analysis at ELTE university (details at the Miklós Farkas seminar), while his second talk together with Professor Arévalo’s talk will be presented at the Miklós Farkas Seminar. Although professor Söderlind’s talks form a complete presentation together, yet they can be followed separately.)
