Applied algebra for informatics MSc (2017 fall)
Problem set 1 and
the solutions
Problem set 2 and
the solutions
Problem set 3 and
the solutions
Lecture notes:
Vector spaces, linear maps and matrices
Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization
Jordan normal form
Euclidean spaces and its transformations
Singular value decomposition
Practice classes
October 5, Thursday, 10.15, T606
October 13, Friday, 12.15, T606
Midterm exam
October 19, Thursday, 8.15, E202
Make-up test: november 2, Thursday, 10.15, R504
List concepts, theorems and
computational methods that you need to know for the test.
The midterm test and its
It is a written exam, most of it is problem solving but there will
also be a question about definitions and theorems (as in the
midterm test) and you are also expected to know the proof of some
of the theorems (marked by a cirled P
in the lecture notes):
Fisher's inequality
Eigenvalues are roots of the minimal polynomial
Characteristic and minimal polynomials of Jordan blocks
Eigenvalues of unitary and self-adjoint matrices
Rank and definiteness of ATA
Best approximate solution
Further reading
You can find a more detailed discussion of basic linear algebra
and some of the more advanced topics in
notes of James S. Cook . He also gives a list of further linear algebra
books with comments on pages 3 and 4.