List of Publications

Ágota  P. Horváth

1.     Characterization of Hermite-Fourier series, Colloq. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 58. Approx. Theory, Kecskemét (Hungary) (1990), 367-375.

2.     Laguerre-tempered distributions and their expansions, Acta Math. Hungar. 67(1-2) (1995), 109-118.

3.     Jackson order of Approximation by Chebyshev-Fourier series, Acta Math. Hungar. 71(1-2) (1996), 131-143.

4.     (with József Szabados ) Polynomial approximation and interpolation on the real line with respect to general classes of weights, Results in Mathematics 34 (1998), 120-131.

5.     r(w)-normal point systems, Acta Math. Hungar. 85 (1-2) (1999), 9-27.

6.     Approximation in Weighted Spaces, Phd dolgozat, 1999.

7.     Characterization of Fourier Series with (C,1) Means, Suppl. Rendiconti del Circ. Math. di Palermo Ser. 2 (68) 2002.

8.     Jackson order of approximation by Riesz means for Freud weights, Proc. of the conf. Constructive Function Theory, Varna, 2002. (Edited by B. Bojanov).

9.      Weighted Hermite-Fejér interpolation on Laguerre nodes, Acta Math. Hung. 100(4)(2003), 271-291

10.  (with K. S. Kazarian) The Dirichlet Problem in Weighted Norm, A. Renyi Inst., Preprint No. 9/2006

11. Weighted Hermite-Fejér Interpolation on the Real Line , Acta Math. Hungar. 115 (1-2) (2007), 101-131.

12. Abel Summation in Hermite-type Weighred Spaces with Singularities, East J. on Approx 13 (4) (2007), 357-385.

13. Biorthonormal Systems in Freud-type WeightedSspaces with Infinitely Many Zeros, Acta Math. Hungar 130 (1-2) (2011), 78-117.

14. Near-best Approximation by a de laVallée Poussin-type Interpolatory Operator, Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 49 (1) (2012) 1-18.

15. (with P. Vértesi) A Contribution to the Grünwald-Marcinkiewicz Theorem , Jaen J. on Approximation 4 (1) (2012) 1-13.

16. Weighted Fejér Constants and Fekete Sets,  Acta Math. Hungar.  141 (4) (2013),  366-382.

17. ntz-type theorems on the half-line with weights, J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 410,  (2014) 699–712.

18.  The Electrostatic Properties of Zeros of Exceptional Laguerre and Jacobi Polynomials and Stable Interpolation,  J. of Approx. Theory (194)  (2015) 87-107.

19.  p-transfinite Diameter and p-Chebyshev Constant in Locally Compact Space,, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 40. (2015) 851-874.

20.  (with Péter Vértesi) On Barycentric Interpolation II. (Grünwald-Marcinkiewicz type Theorems), Acta Math. Hungar. 148. (1) (2016) 147-156.

21. The energy function with respect to the zeros of the exceptional Hermite polynomials, Acta Math. Sci. 37 (5) (2017) 1483-1496.

22.  (with  Vitalii Arestov and Marina Deikalova) On Nikol'skii type inequality between the uniform norm and the integral q-norm with Laguerre weight of algebraic polynomials on the half-line,  J. of Approx. Theory  222  (2017) 40-54.

23.  (with Kazaros Kazarian) The Dirichlet Problem in Weighted Norm, Acta Math. Hungar. 153(1), 34-56. (2017).

24.   Chromatic Derivatives and Expansions with Weights, Calcolo, 54 (4) 1265-1291. (2017)

25. (with V. Arestov, A. Babenko, M. Deikalova) Nikol’skii inequality between the uniform norm and the integral norm with Bessel weight for entire functions of exponential type ont he half-line, Analysis Math., 44 (1) 2142, (2018)

26.  Recurrence relation and multi-indexed polynomials of the second kind,  Acta Math. Hung. 157(2), 537-550 (2019)

27.  Asymptotics for Recurrence Coefficients of $X_1$-Jacobi Exceptional Polynomials and Christoffel Function, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.

28. Potential theory and quadratic programming, Bulletin des Sci. Math.

29.   Discrete diffusion semigroups associated with Jacobi-Dunkl and exceptional Jacobi polynomials, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 2021, 20 (3), 975-994. doi: 10.3934/cpaa.2021002

30.   On inherited properties and Julia sets of exceptional Jacobi polynomials, Integral Transforms Spec. (33) (4), 303-319, (2022)   

31. Compactness Criteria via Laguerre and Hankel transformations, JMAA  Volume 507, Issue 2, 15 March (2022)

32.  Multiplication operator and average characteristic polynomial associated with exceptional Jacobi polynomials, The Ramanujan Journal,

33.  Translation Beyond Delsarte, Advances in Operator Theory (8) 60 (2023)

34.  p-Capacity with Bessel convolution, Potential Analysis