(Introduction to) Stochastic Analysis
2023 Spring
Instructor: Balazs Rath

Midterm info:

Plese have a (student) ID card or a passport or a driver's licence with you.
Please do not use electronic devices.
You can prepare and use a (one-sided) A4-size formula sheet with your 15 favourite mathematical formulas written on it.
Please read again the parts of syllabus that concern midterms: CLICK
Midterms are written during the first 45 minutes of the lecture

First midterm:

2023 First Midterm material:
From the list of exercises solved in class in 2023, see exercises 1,2,3,..,19,20: CLICK
Related homework sheets: HW1, HW2, HW3, HW4

First midterm (of a different Stoch.Anal. course with different schedule):

2016 midterms:
First midterm (October 13, 2016): CLICK, Solutions: CLICK
First make-up midterm (December 7, 2016): CLICK, Solutions: CLICK
Further first make-up midterms (2016): CLICK1, CLICK2, CLICK3,
2018 midterms:
First midterm (October 11, 2018), GROUP A: CLICK, Solution: CLICK,
First midterm (October 11, 2018), GROUP B: CLICK, Solution: CLICK
First midterm (December 6, 2018): CLICK, Solution: CLICK
First midterm (December 12, 2018): CLICK
First midterm (December 14, 2018): CLICK
2021 midterm exercies and solutions:
See the folder titled "Midterm_1_related_material" of the Stoch.Anal. 2023 Microsoft Team
2023 midterms:
First midterm (April 20, 2023): CLICK, Solution: CLICK,
Make-up midterm of first midterm (May 10, 2023): CLICK, Solution: CLICK,

Second midterm:

2023 second midterm material:
From the list of exercises solved in class in 2023, see exercises 20, 21,..., 51, 52: CLICK
Related homework sheets: HW5, HW6, HW7, HW8

Second midterm (of a different Stoch.Anal. course with different schedule):

2016 midterms:
Second midterm (November 24, 2016): CLICK, Solutions: CLICK
Second make-up midterm (December 7, 2016): CLICK, Solutions: CLICK
Further second make-up midterms (2016): CLICK1, CLICK2, CLICK3, (for some of the solutions, see the folder titled "Midterm_2_related_material" of the Stoch.Anal. 2023 Microsoft Team)
2018 midterms:
Second midterm (November 22, 2018), GROUP A: CLICK, Solution: CLICK,
Second midterm (December 6, 2018): CLICK, Solution: CLICK
Second midterm (December 12, 2018): CLICK
Second midterm (December 14, 2018): CLICK, (for some of the solutions, see the folder titled "Midterm_2_related_material" of the Stoch.Anal. 2023 Microsoft Team)
2021 second midterm exercies and solutions:
See the folder titled "Midterm_2_related_material" of the Stoch.Anal. 2023 Microsoft Team
2023 midterms:
Second midterm (May 25, 2023): CLICK, Solution: CLICK,
Second midterm (May 31, 2023): CLICK, Solution: CLICK,